Important Dates!
This Winter:
Wednesday morning passing days 6:00am FMHS gym. Very important for improving our concepts and teamwork.
training: Stop in and discuss with Mr. Bergman what your program involves. If you do not go to a private
gym, you must get yourself to our weight room three days a week to work with Coach Bergman.
This Summer:
College Prep Football Camp - June TBA at Liverpool High School:
Please sign up as fast as possible for this for if we get more than 11 players going the price goes from $150 to 100
American Dollars. This camp is very good for anyone considering playing college football. There are many scouts there (don't
talk to the ones in purple and gold).
Syracuse University Football Camp:
TBA. See Coach Muench for a brochure. This camp is expensive, but it brings us to a big time football atmosphere and
the passing league games are fun.
Town of Manlius Fm Football Camp:
Plan on it. This is the most important camp to go to. If is essentially our mini-camp, we run it very similar to
actual practice and we implement many of the things we actually run. The cost is only $65, please get a form from Coach Muench
as soon as possible and turn it in so we know how many coaches to hire.
The Baldwinsville Football combine:
This is another camp oriented towards recruiting. If you are interested see Coach Muench for details.
Mr. D's Speed Camp
Always a favorite!
The idea that you can’t get more speed is a myth. Mr. D and his minions will help you get where you want to be faster.
Mr. D’s minions are past Hornet football stars now playing college ball at the division III and IAA level.
Mr. D is certified by the National Endurance & Sports Trainers Association.
for sure on Wednesdays 5:00PM at the FMHS track in association with Coach Brown's lineman night and also sometimes on
Fridays and maybe even Sundays 7/18 through 8/8.
Mondays and Tuesdays – Passing league 6:00PM. At Corcoran on Mondays and JD on Tuesdays.
Weight Room -
open 9:00 am- 12:00 noon; and 5:30 -8:30 pm (five days per week)
Pride Night! FM vs CBA 9/14/07
More coming, check back often!
Recyclable Drive:
Please save your recyclable bottles and cans! When you bring your cans and bottles to FM Recyclables, mention that you would like to donate the proceeds
to FM football, the account number is 41.
Home game 50/50 raffle:
There is a 50/50 raffle at each home game. We invite your participation
and thank you for your support.
Varsity Pasta Dinners
On the night
before each game, both home and away, senior parents traditionally host a pasta dinner, assisted by other parents. All varsity
parents are asked to provide pasta, drinks, bread, salad and desserts, on a rotating basis. Note: the coaches do not attend
these dinners as they like to provide an opportunity for the players to relax and enjoy the dinner without the presence and
pressure of the coaches. More details will follow.